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College as told by Taylor Swift

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Taylor Swift has been narrating our lives since middle school, and she’s singing our lives even as we continue into college. Here’s your year, according to Tay.

It’s a new year, and you decide that you’re actually going to do all of your assigned classwork. Maybe this is the semester for that ever-elusive 4.0!

But then you remember Thirsty Thursday.

You find your new crush for the semester and suddenly you’re a walking heart emoji.

But then you don’t see said crush for a week:

And your roommate finished off your pint of ice cream without asking you.

Now, to make matters worse, you realize all of your professors have scheduled midterms in the same week.

The semester becomes too much academically, socially and personally and all you want to do is cry.

But summer is in sight and all this stress will be over soon.

Finals are here. Remember that 4.0 GPA goal?

And here’s the final playlist:

Ours22Everything Has Changed (feat. Ed Sheeran)Come Back, Be HereHighway Don’t CareBad BloodYou’re Not SorryAll Too WellShake it OffHauntedWhen has Tay sung the story of your life? Share your stories and favorite songs below!



Karishma Patel is a sophomore Journalism-Editing and Graphic Design major at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is also on the pre-medicine track.