Hometown: Tryon, N.C.
Major: Media Productions and Comparative Literature double major
Year: Junior
Favorite place to study: Second floor of Davis
Motto: “When I give, I give myself.”
Fun fact: I used to have ferrets named “Flower,” “Fairy,” and “Fiona.”
Celebrity crushes: Marion Cotillard, Olivia Wilde, and Anna Kendrick
Man crushes: Joseph Gordon Levitt, Ryan Gosling
This Campus Cutie from the small mountain town of Tryon, N.C., aspires to work in the film industry, and has a love of the arts. His cooking skills are phenomenal, so be sure to have him treat you to dinner. This one is a keeper!
Her Campus: What do you like to do with your free time?
Evan Fitch: I watch a lot of movies. I like to read, so if I hear anyone mention a book that I haven’t read, I like to go to the library and pick it up. I also like to go on fashion blogs and film blogs. Of course, I like to run and play soccer, and hang out with friends.
HC: What traits do you look for in a girl?
EF: I like a girl that is passionate, not sexually, but someone who has that life and brightness behind their eyes that shows they are alert and thinking and that they are engaged with something. I love when a girl is constantly mentally stimulated. I like someone who is fairly laid back, because I don’t enjoy high maintenance. A really big thing is someone who just enjoys carrying on a good conversation. I want someone who can pause and enjoy life. I like girls who are comfortable in their own skin; it is not attractive when someone is constantly judging themselves. You have to love who you are, and only then can other people appreciate you. I also like a good sense of style. She doesn’t have to dress in expensive clothing, but someone who obviously expresses their identity through their dress, instead of dressing in a certain way dictated by their peers.
HC: What are your turn-offs?
EF: A really big turn off is an obnoxious sloppy drunk person, and someone who is attention-seeking. I don’t like girls who try too hard to fit in.
HC: What qualities would make you a good boyfriend?
EF: If I am going to be dating you, I am going to be interested in every facet of you, and I am going to appreciate you for pretty much every aspect of you. I actually enjoy talking and being open and communicative, which I think is usually a desired trait and something that would make me a good boyfriend. Also, I would enjoy going shopping with you, and I like to cook.
HC: What do you want to do in the future?
EF: I am definitely considering grad school. Ultimately, I would like to go into some facet of the film business — ideally writing and directing, but any aspect would be great. Film is one of the more recent art forms, and any hand I can have in bringing a piece of that art to fruition I would be happy to do. I would also be happy to be a college professor.
HC: Have you had any interesting travel experiences?
EF: I have been to Australia and New Zealand. I camped in the Outback for a while which was really cool. I did some backpacking in Spain and Italy, and I go to the UK a lot for family.
HC: What kind of music do you listen to?
EF: Right now I am all about some Dr. Dog, some Lana del Rey, and some Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s. Those are the three I am listening to a lot this month.
HC: What do you like most about Carolina?
EF: The fact that the entire structure of the town and community exists to foster the college experience. Not to mention that I firmly believe that 9 out of 10 people you meet at Carolina are absolutely wonderful. You don’t have enough time to make all the friends you could here. I think the school in general exists for the students and that’s a good thing. I also like the surrounding area; I like the small town feel you get.
HC: Are you looking for a girlfriend?
EF: I am not overly attached to either being casual or being in a relationship, but I am fine with either. I am not seeking one out, but I am open to the idea of one.
HC: What would be your perfect date?
EF: Well it’s one of two things. On a beautiful fall day, I would take her to get a cup of coffee in the morning, then watch the morning break in and take a walk while looking at the beautiful leaves and scenery. Then we would catch a movie or local show, or maybe go to an art gallery or museum. I want to just share an artistic experience together. Then I would take her out to dinner at a nice restaurant and share a bottle of wine. The other scenario is to stay inside on a rainy day on the couch in sweats, watching season after season of some great TV show, like Arrested Development or something. We could also bake something together. Just a lazy day, sharing time together, and having a cup of tea.