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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

It’s that time of year again. … The flowers are blooming, baseball season is in full swing and it’s time for the 2012 GREEK WEEK COMPETITION! UNC-Chapel Hill’s Greek system hosted this year’s third annual, weeklong event, from Sunday, March 18 to Friday, March 23. 

Hosted at numerous colleges around the nation, Greek Week is a series of fun and exciting events that take place in the spring semester, and the money raised from the competition is donated to a different organization each year.

This year, the organization that will be receiving the donation is the Inter-Faith Council for Social Service. Greek Week is the chance for UNC-Chapel Hill’s Greek community to represent the same philanthropy, and to give as much back to the community as possible.

In 2011, the competition was extremely high, and the points were very close.  The Greek Week 2011 Champions were the “X-Men”: Chi Phi, Delta Sigma Iota, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Alpha Order, Kappa Alpha Psi, & Phi Mu.

Greek Week, which began in 2010, has a mission “to unite UNC’s four Greek councils and to promote the Greek community in a positive way.” GAC, IFC, NPHC, and Panhellenic are the four councils that are represented in UNC-Chapel Hill’s Greek system. This event is an excellent and comfortable way to introduce the members of each council to one another and better unite the entire Greek system, instead of being separated by the different councils.

The FIFA World Cup was the theme for this year’s Greek Week competition. Each team, comprised of members from each of the four councils, represented a country that participated in the FIFA World Cup.

Teams for 2012:

Brazil                                                Ecuador                                    France
Chi Omega                                          Kappa Delta                                Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc.                     Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc.             Alpha Epsilon Omega
Omega Phi Beta                                Alpha Pi Omega                         Pi Lambda Phi
Sigma Rho Lambda                         Sigma Chi                                   Chi Psi
Chi Phi                                                Sigma Phi Epsilon
Phi Gamma Delta                           

Germany                                         Greece                                        Ireland
Pi Beta Phi                                         Phi Mu                                         Delta Delta Delta
Zeta Phi Beta, Inc.                          Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc.        Alpha Kappa Delta Phi
Alpha Iota Omega                          Pi Alpha Phi                                Lambda Upsilon Lambda
Delta Kappa Epsilon                      Alpha Tau Omega                     Phi Delta Theta
Delta Upsilon                                  Sigma Alpha Epsilon                 Kappa Sigma
Pi Kappa Alpha

Italy                                               Jamaica                                      South Africa
Zeta Tau Alpha                             Kappa Kappa Gamma                 Sigma Sigma Sigma
Omega Psi Phi, Inc.                      Phi Beta Chi                                  Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc.
Delta Sigma Iota                           Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.             Lambda Pi Chi
Phi Sigma Nu                                Delta Phi Omega                          Pi Kappa Alpha
Alpha Epsilon Pi                           Delta Sigma Phi                       Kappa Alpha
Lambda Chi Alpha                       Sigma Nu                                       St. Anthony’s Hall

Alpha Delta Pi                                                                   
Phi Beta Sigma, Inc.
Theta Nu Xi
Zeta Psi                                                         

For each event throughout the week, there were points possible for participation, and also for winning the event.  The week began with a kick-off in McCorkle Place on Sunday, March 18, 2012, and it was simply a night of corn hole, free food, NCAA basketball and tons of fun! Below is the rest of the week’s activities:

Monday:            Glow in the Dark Dodgeball Tournament
Tuesday:           Banner Competition

                 University Career Services Professional Etiquette Night

Wednesday:     Trivia Night at Pantana Bob’s
Thursday:         Dance Competition
                 Benefit Night

This year’s competition was very successful, and will continue to become a tradition in the coming years at UNC-Chapel Hill. The winners will be announced April 9, 2012 at Chapter Excellence Awards. For more information:

Facebook: Greek Week 2012
Twitter:  @UNC_GreekWeek

Greek Week Logo (Photo): Twitter: https://twimg0-a.akamaihd.net/profile_images/1856531774/greek_week.png
Greek Week Thumbs Up (Photo): Her Campus: http://www.hercampus.com/high-school/collegiette%E2%84%A2-dictionary-college-lingo-defined?page=2
Old Well (Photo):UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School:

Sophomore, PR major at UNC