If Lauren Berger were a god, then her newest career guide would be the bible. It is the most pivotal book a collegiette will ever read. This sounds like an exaggeration, but the self-proclaimed “Intern Queen” gives career advisers a run for their money.
In her newest read All Work, No Pay: Finding an Internship, Building Your Resume, Making Connections, and Gaining Job Experience, Berger maps out the how-to’s on every career-driven collegiette’s mind! From the search, the internship and the connections built after it ends, Berger covers it all and provides you with great tips along the way.
While interning in New York City, I had the pleasure of attending Berger’s Intern Queen Party. It was there that I purchased my copy of the must-read and met the Intern Queen! As soon as I left the event, I cracked open the book and began reading what has become my go-to motivator. I finished the book in less than an hour, making it the fastest read I have ever encountered.
Every piece of advice she offers comes with a story. These reminders that she has walked this path makes adhering to her words that much easier. It is one thing to listen to the views of a college adviser. It is another to hear it from someone who has lived it, and not too long ago. Her words are relevant and topical – which kept me hooked from page to page. After I read the book, I took notes, highlighting key tips for success. You can only imagine how underlined and yellow these pages have become.
Berger speaks not only from experience, but also from the heart. Having had 15 internships throughout her collegiate years, she knows how to help anyone land the internship of her dreams. And she knows how to speak to young women about the difficulties associated with chasing ambitions.
Most importantly, she knows what to say and how to say it – motivation most young women can only get from a mother. Her book inspires as much as it educates, leaving no internship out of reach. You will get the coveted position, have the best experience of the year and leave with the necessary connections to propel your career into full gear! This is all thanks to the Intern Queen, or, in my opinion, the fairy internship godmother!
Do yourself a favor and click the link below, because summer 2013 is only a blink away!