1) Whenever you meet someone else who studied abroad, you get super excited and dive right into conversation…
… but simultaneously try not to be one of those study abroad people who won’t stop talking about it so you don’t annoy others.
2) When you need a mental break, you like to reminisce on all the awesome times you had abroad.
3) You are forever obsessed with making sure your belongings are secure at all times.
Either you or a friend has been pickpocketed, and it was NOT a fun experience.
4) You have a greater appreciation for your favorite American food.
One of the first things you did when you got home was stuff yourself with your favorite food you were deprived of for months.
5) You also recognize that croissants, gelato, pizza, wine, cappuccinos, baklava, paella and sangria will never be the same again after tasting the real things.
6) You know that going out abroad is completely different than in the U.S.
You may be exhausted, but the rest of the club is still raging at 6 a.m.
7) You feel much more cultured and knowledgeable after traveling to and making friends with people from other countries.
Studying abroad opened your eyes to a bigger world.
8) If you studied in a country where you didn’t speak the language, you learned what a struggle language barriers truly are.
And your lack of comprehension definitely caused some awkward moments.
9) You understand how exhilarating yet exhausting traveling is.
But no matter what, it’s always worth it.
10) You firmly believe that studying abroad was one of the best decisions you’ve made, and want to go back as soon as possible.