The biggest issue some people have when considering a college is where they can go to study. Everyone really enjoys going to one of the many libraries on campus to study, but if you’re like me, then you might not enjoy having to hunt for a spot to sit without worrying about bothering another student. Never fear, here are my tried and true places that have plenty of space for you to study without being stuck in your room!
- Bull’s Head Bookshop
The Bull’s Head Bookshop, located on the top floor of the Student Store, is my go-to study spot. There are two places I look to sit and study: the kids’ books section or the hidden tables facing the SRC. The hidden tables are usually populated, so I shoot for the kids’ books section, which is shown above (featuring my friend, who is also named Paige).Â
The tables and chairs are child-sized, but it’ll seat a college student just fine. If you’re feeling stressed out with work, there are coloring sheets and crayons on one of the tables. I really like this area because it is kind of secluded, but the noise of the store can still be heard, providing a nice background noise to one’s studies.
- The Quad
The Quad (referring to the large quad outside of Wilson Library and the heart of the campus) is a popular spot when the weather is nice enough. You can definitely study here, but there will be more play than work. Of course, there are other quads that you can sit and study on; some of them could be right outside of your dorm. For instance, I can walk out of my dorm (Everett), lay down a blanket/mat/what-have-you and be on a quad. My community is called Olde Campus Lower Quad, for goodness sake. There are quads everywhere! Just take your pick and have a grand ol’ time.
- Media and Journalism School Garden
This is another quaint area that feels secluded from the rest of campus. The garden is on the side of the School of Media and Journalism, closest to Chapman. You can walk right by it and miss it.
This is one of my favorite study spots because I feel like I’m studying in a fairy garden. The flowers and trees are gorgeous when in bloom, heightening the fantastical vibe the patio area exudes. There is an iron/metal garden table you can sit at, but I usually go for the white benches.
A picture wouldn’t be able to capture the true beauty of this area. I highly encourage everyone to seek this area out.
- Coker Arboretum
Another lovely outdoor area. Similar to the MeJo garden, Coker Arboretum feels like a fantasy realm. There are benches to sit on while working, but who wants to sit when you can lie on a mat in a clearing surrounded by trees and flora? Truly beautiful in the springtime, Coker Arboretum is a literal breath of fresh air when the stuffy classrooms are getting to your head.Â
- Kenan Music Library
So far, I’ve mainly talked about study spots that are outside. You may be wondering if there are any spots on campus to go to when the weather is less than ideal or that are more compatible with non-nature lovers. The Kenan Music Library offers just that. Found in the bottom of Wilson Library, the music library has several nooks and crannies that you can tuck yourself into to study. The best thing about this place is that not many people know about it or come here, so everything is silent, and I mean silent. This has been one of my most recent finds, and I’m so in love with it.Â
Oh, and the best part? A perfect view of the Bell Tower in all of its glory.
These are my top five study spots, but UNC-Chapel Hill has plenty of undiscovered areas that cater to an individual’s needs. That’s what I love about my college: there’s something here for everyone.