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10 Thoughts You Have While Trying To Sleep

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.


These are just ten of the thousands of thoughts that might run through your head when you’re lying restlessly in your bed late at night.

1. “Now I’m only going to get four hours of sleep before my 8 a.m.”

2. “Maybe if I count sheep it’ll actually work for once.”

3. “Maybe I should online shop for a bit.”

4. “I’m going to be so tired tomorrow and hate myself for this.”

5. “How much caffeine have I had today?”

6. “Maybe there’s something wrong with me. Let me check WebMD.”

7. “Why can’t I get comfortable in my own bed?”

8. “One more Netflix episode.”

9. “Okay, but I’m really hungry. Should I eat this late?”

10. “I definitely have to pee now.”