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10 Times Carrie Bradshaw Perfectly Understood Womanhood

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Carrie Bradshaw, the star of Sex in the City, seemed to always understand womanhood better than the majority of women themselves. In her honor, here’s some of her best lines that all women should live by:

1. “A closet full of clothes, nothing to wear.”

We’re constantly shopping but never have anything to wear – the modern paradox of women. 


2. “Shopping is my cardio.”

Who needs to work out when you can go shopping and kill two birds with one stone? Must more fun than working out.


3. “Shall we get more coffee or shall we get two guns and kill ourselves?”

Even Carrie understood how hard some mornings can be.


4. “The only thing I learned that night was that maybe I should have stayed home.”

We’ve all been here: We go out to only wish we had stayed in to watch Netflix (or in this case, Sex in the City).


5. “Don’t you ever just shut up?”

Unfortunately, no, some people do not. But here’s to hoping we can be this confident.

6. “Let’s gossip to get our heart rates up.”

Nothing like the latest piece of juicy gossip to get you and your girls really goin’.

7. “I don’t understand. What exactly about me screams ‘whore’?”

Rumor has it, Carrie may or not have coined the phrase “haters gonna hate.” Some people are bitter and want to ruin your life.


8. “If you love someone, and you break up, where does the love go?”

Amen, sister. But from personal experience, it usually comes out as gallons of tears, pints of ice cream and hours of Netflix.


9. “And I don’t even know if I believe in soulmates.”

I mean, how can we? If Carrie doesn’t, how can I?


10. “Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free, until they find someone just as wild to run with.”