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6 Reasons Dogs are a Girl’s Best Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend had clearly never owned a dog in her life. Ask any dog owner – they consider their furry friend a part of the family. Perhaps this is because, just like a relative, dogs will love you no matter what. So forget that old “man’s best friend” nonsense. Here’s 6 reasons dogs are a girl’s best friend.

1. They’re always happy to see you.

There are few greater pleasures in this world than coming home from college and seeing your little fluffball running to the door with excitement to greet you.

2. They’re your workout buddy.

Whether you walk your dog or your dog walks you, they’ll be your motivator to get your butt outside and get moving.

3. They love to snuggle as much as you do.

Who needs boys when you’ve already got a permanent cuddle buddy? Dogs are always DTS (down to snuggle), whether you want to or not.

4. Even your biggest mistakes don’t matter to them.

Whether you failed biochemistry or hooked up with that awful guy last night, our mistakes often make us feel like failures. The great part is your pup will continue to be your number one fan, no matter how many slip-ups you have.

5. They’ll never break your heart.

Boys will come and go, leaving you with rocky breakups and one-on-one therapy sessions with your good friends Ben and Jerry. Good news is, your furry pal will always have eyes for you.

6. They were there for you when nobody else was.

Through mean girls, rude boys, and the infamous awkward phase, your dog never left your side. No matter what life throws at you, your pup will always be right there giving you the unconditional love that you need to carry on.