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7 Problems Only Single People Understand During the Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

There are not a lot of things more frustrating than being single in a season all about love.

  1. Halloween couple costumes

You’re telling me that not everyone puts an either completely sexy or completely dorky costume four hours before the party but instead there is extensive planning with someone else? And even if I thought it out, how does one ask someone else to do it in a completely “I’m not interested” way??


2. Not bringing a special guest for Thanksgiving means

Thanks Grandma, I know I’m destined to die alone.


3. Baking

Admit it, we’ve all wanted to decorate a gingerbread house with the love of our lives, but the second we do it alone we’re “stress baking/eating.” Thanks Mom.


4. Mistletoe

Avoid at all costs. It’s not worth getting stuck under it with anyone. I repeat, anyone.


5. New Years Eve

There’s no one to kiss, so yay! As you unnecessarily start cleaning up to distract from the fact that not even Aunt Marge’s fat dog would kiss you.


6. The endless questions about settling down

The “Do you have a boyfriend??” “When are you getting married?” “Have you thought about settling down?” “If you want kids, you’d better get going” questions.


7. Your family questions your sexuality

Then all these assumptions that get made because you chose to focus on your career, and you’re also like, “And what if I was?” 

Will the questions stop? Probably not.