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7 Reasons Why You Should Have JOMO

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Have you ever been standing at a party in your favorite heels, about to slap a wine bag, but find yourself really just thinking about the ice cream in your freezer? Or talking to a sweaty frat boy, only to be dreaming about your fluffy bed? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. These situations happen because of FOMO – the fear of missing out.  

Fear not, collegiates! There is another plague sweeping the nation. It’s called JOMO – the joy of missing out. Your friends are going to the movies? Who cares! You have comfy bed and a pint of ice cream. Everyone is going to the party on 5th Avenue? News flash, you’ve got a series on Netflix to binge watch. For the days when FOMO starts to drive you wild, here are 7 reason why you should have JOMO.

1. Spa Time

After a long week of grinding hard, you might be exhausted. Go ahead and give yourself permission to pamper. Break out that nail polish kit that your grandma bought you for Christmas. Buy a face mask that will brighten and illuminate your skin. Make some invigorating tea. Take a bubble bath. You are a glowing goddess. Go you!

2. Netflix and Chill

All week while you were doing homework, you were tempted to open up another tab and watch Netflix. Now’s your time. Grab your most comfortable blanket, put on your fuzzy socks, and let the games begin. Everytime Netflix stops the show to ask if you want to continue, you giggle to yourself. Of course I do, Netflix. Of course I do. 

3. Food

Do you prefer savory or sweet? If the answer is both, you deserve a gold star. While your friends are stuck in some awkward social situation, you can treat yo self to whatever your heart desires. Maybe you will go through the In-n-Out drive thru. Maybe you will order a pizza. Maybe you will make some brownies.  Whatever you choose, good for you!

4. Waking up Refreshed

Remember that time when you woke up with a pounding headache, dry mouth, and deep feelings of regret? Well not this time, collegiate. This time, you can fall asleep knowing that you will wake up completely refreshed. You can even make plans for your morning! You can go on a morning run, you can go to the farmer’s market, you can go surfing – the possibilities are endless. 

5. Books

Similar to Netflixin’ and chillin, JOMO can revolve around reading a good book. With all of your textbooks and assigned readings, you just don’t have time to read for fun anymore. Tonight, go ahead and get lost in that book you’ve wanted to read. Kick back, relax, and read until your soul is soothed. 

6. Meditation

Sometimes when life gets crazy, you just need to meditate. Be joyful of the fact that you can spend your night regaining your balance, bringing peace to your mind, and releasing your stress and worries. Light some candles or incense, put on some twinkly Christmas lights, and just breathe. Enjoy your night of self-love and happiness!

7. Staying on Top of Your Schoolwork

If you’ve got a test coming up, you should feel JOMO for staying in to study. Procrastinating only induces stress, and you do not have time for that. Revel in the fact that you, collegiate, are way ahead of the game and on top of your sh*t. Adulting ain’t easy, and you deserve to feel proud of your decision to stay in and get it done. 

There you have it, collegiate. Do not fear missing out, embrace it. The next time you get invited somewhere you’d rather not go, remember all the JOMO there is to be had.Â