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7 Things to Miss About High School and 7 Things to NOT

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

THINGS YOU (probably) MISS

Whether you admit or not, there were definitely upsides of high school that you most likely miss in college.

1.     Your friends

Yes, coming to college and meeting new people and making new friends is exciting. But sometimes you miss the people that know you better than anyone back in your hometown.


2.     Lunch Hour

Back when everyone had lunch at the same time, and you and your friends had your designated table to sit and chat about the latest gossip floating around your high school.

3.     High School Dances

Sure, formals are WAY better. But when will you ever get to experience prom night again? From your parents taking pictures to the princessy dresses, those tacky memories are so good. 

4.     Friday Night Football games

You won’t find the students of Chapman filling the stands for a football game, planning a theme for a student section, or even knowing who our rival school is. 

5.     Having Little Responsibility

You’ll miss coming home from your after school activities and having your parents make you a delicious dinner. Chances are your parents did not prepare you for the food you eat now at college AT ALL.

6.     Your Hometown

Moving away to a place you don’t that well leaves a lot of room for exploring. But you know all the ins and outs of your hometown, and you miss a lot of your favorite places back home. 

7.     Teachers Knowing your name

While a lot of professors probably do know your name, we can bet that at least a a good majority don’t. And to be honest your professors have better/more professional things on their to do list than memorize your name.


Try not to cringe. 

1.     Getting up early EVERY MORNING

Think back to what time you had to wake up for school. I woke up at 6:20. The thought of waking up at 6:20 now honestly makes me die a little.

2.     8 hours of school IN A ROW.

I can barely handle a three hour class now. 

3.     Standardized Tests

I’d be more than okay if I never heard the letters SAT or ACT again in my life. Not to mention the stress, competition, and pressure they brought on. 

4.     Curfews

Think back to the days when your mom used to text you “what time are you coming home!?” and “be home by 12”. Don’t miss that at all.

5.     Busy work

Doing useless homework that you had literally ZERO interest in. Studying something you actually want to do with your life is honestly the best.

6.     The dress code

Showing your shoulders is not offensive in college?! What a concept!

7.     Gym class

Being forced to run the mile or play stupid atheltic games does not exist in college. Thank you God for that.Â