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8 Reasons Why Moms Make Great Best Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

In all honesty, my mom is my best friend. I have no shame in saying that! Sometimes people question the relationship I have with my mother, but then I give them some of the reasons why she is my home girl (literally).

1. She wants the best for you. 

Your mom wants to see you succeed because she knows what you are capable of. She will push you and support you all along the way. In the end, though, she truly just wants you to be happy. While sometimes she may have interesting ways of showing it, she will always love you. 

2. She can understand guys (most of the time). 

While we do not want to think about it too much, our moms have had their share of male experiences. Granted, my mother tries to follow all of my guy friends and sometimes crushes on Instagram (if any of you cute fellas out there have received a follow request from “loisthemilf,” I swear I had nothing to do with it). All of her experience means great advice for how to handle many different situations.*

*Author’s note: An explanation of “hook-up culture” to her may be necessary. 


Not only will she help you find something that you love and helps you look good, but she’ll suggest you get it in 3 different colors. And maybe you will get out of paying as well?

4. She knows what makes you the happiest.

Whether it be a plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies or even your blanket from when you were a kid, she is always a source of comfort. 

5. No judgement allowed. 

Moms cannot judge you for singing Sam Smith in your room at the top of your lungs or for eating a whole bag of Reese’s Cups (don’t lie to me, we’ve all been there). She will love you for you, along with your food baby and unconventional singing abilities.

6. She makes you feel special.

Maybe it’s by that Valentine’s Day or the Victoria’s Secret care package filled with sports bras she sent you, but she knows how to make you smile. The thought itself is enough to make your day instantly better! 

7. She will always be there for you.

It’s called unconditional love, my friends. Even if you two do not talk for a while, if you call her up needing advice or a pep talk, she always has you covered.

8. You may not realize it yet, but you are turning into her.

That said, why not listen to advice from someone who has been through similar situations you are going through. It’s freaky, but it’s true!