Nobody wants to fail. When you work tirelessly day and night and it still doesn’t work out, it may seem like your efforts were a complete waste. But the truth is, they weren’t.
As cliche as it sounds, failing is a learning experience. It’s part of being a human. And while in the moment it may seem like bombing your midterm or failing a class is the end of the world, in the grand scheme of things, it’s only a tiny moment in your life, and you’ll be better for it.
I know, it’s hard accept failure. One thing to keep in mind is that you need to own your mistakes. As human beings, we are destined to make mistakes for the rest of our lives, and this is not a bad thing. Mistakes and failures enable us to understand what went wrong and what we need to do better. If we never made mistakes, we’d never learn or grow.
The most important thing is that you never give up on your goals. Goals are not supposed to be easy to achieve. The idea of giving up may be tempting, especially if you’ve tried so many times and it still hasn’t happened for you. But with each trial and error, you are becoming so much wiser. And who knows? You may only be one more try away from finally getting what you’ve worked hard for.
Think of failure as a friend or mentor. Sometimes, even when you try your best, failure might still come around, but it will show you where you fell short and where you need to go from here. It’ll be back again someday, and it will bring more knowledge with it. Easier said than done, but don’t be afraid to fail, or you’ll never find yourself in triumph.