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How to Quickly Use the Rest of Your Panther Bucks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

With only a few weeks left, and over $200 panther bucks left on your declining balance, you may be wondering what you can possibly do to not let those dining dollars go to waste. There are only so many bagels and smoothies a person can eat in the time span of three weeks.

Don’t worry! If you don’t want to let that money sit and expire in your account, here are a few ways you can get creative with your money. Basically, you’re going to be everyone’s new best friend.

1. Offer to take someone to lunch.

The way to anyone’s heart (or friendship) is through their stomach. 

2. Buy a bunch of snacks to share.

Supply those studiers in the library with coffee!

3. Go grocery shopping at Doy’s

Pretzels and cereal make great snacks for your journey home. 

4. Who needs the Caf? Get your meals on campus!

Hit up Einteins, WOW, Jamba Juice, or Jazzmans. 

5. Bring bagels to everyone in your morning class.

You will become everyone’s favorite person, guaranteed.