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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

The iconic show One Tree Hill has had the power to show millions of people the value of family, friendship, home and love. All the characters are unique and teach important lessons in life… and some aren’t so bad to look at (Nathan Scott, am I right?!). But there’s one character it seems anyone can relate to on so many levels. That character is Brooke Davis. She is sassy yet sweet, and she goes through a large character arc throughout the show. Here are some important life lessons she’s taught throughout her life in Tree Hill…


Changing yourself is not going to do you any favors. Own who you are.


Never let anyone try to pull a fast one on you or someone you love; you may have to pull out your sassy side.


You can’t let others define who you are.


Sometimes, life is gets tough and you won’t feel okay.


But when you go through life with friends, it is much more comforting.


She truly cared about everyone she came in contact with.


It’s important to find a place in the world where you are genuinely happy. This can come from a place or a person.


Never let anybody treat you less than you are (an enchanting, fairy, mermaid princess). Brooke has the confidence that everyone should have.


You’ll find the right person and live happily ever after.


And from Sophia Bush herself…