By Natalie Snyder
I’m a sophomore, but I wasn’t always. Two years ago, I was graduating high school with no idea what my future would hold. Here’s a spoiler: I still don’t. But I have a better idea now. Because one year ago, I was a freshman, just being exposed to all the things Chapman has to offer. There was everything from Student Government to A Cappella groups, and after getting thrown all the pamphlets anyone could ever need, I felt overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start. Here’s a tip: It doesn’t matter where you start, just that you start. “Get involved at Chapman!” is what everyone was telling me. Now I’m the one telling you. Get involved at Chapman! And here’s why.
I’m a director for our University Program Board, and it makes me have so much pride for Chapman everyday. I never thought I’d be one of those crazy, “I love Chapman so much” people, but here I am. And you can be one too! Just get involved on campus. Whether it’s club soccer or a business fraternity, it’ll make you feel something great: pride. And this pride makes going to class, meeting new people, and just walking around campus so much easier. I’ve found a little community within UPB, and I’m pretty sure you can find that within whatever you choose to join. I see it everywhere. At the club involvement fair, students who are tabling together for a club smile at everyone they see. It is evident that they’re happy to be there and happy to be representing Chapman. At I AM THAT GIRL meetings that I have been to, the room is full of women eager to share their experiences and learn from peers’ stories.
Improv Inc. shows gather a crowd of around a hundred students, often more, as they clamor to get seats in Irvine Lecture Hall. When the show starts, the energy in the room is electric, and students laugh, unknowingly realizing that by coming to this show, they have found a new, lovable aspect of Chapman. Getting involved doesn’t always have to mean being a part of a club, it can simply mean going to events on campus. UPB throws many events during the year, and my favorite thing about these events–such as our recent trivia night at Contra Coffee–is seeing students connect.
By joining clubs and going to programs, you too can find all of these connections and communities. So, at club involvement fairs from now on, accept the many fliers that are thrown to you, and find what will make your Chapman experience one you absolutely love.