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Simple Ways to Make Your 8 AMs Easier

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.


Pressing snooze only makes it harder to get up and is proven to make you feel more tired. We all know how the saying goes…”you snooze, you lose”.

2. Find a breakfast that you love.

If nothing else will get you out of bed, make a Target run on Sunday and pick up some fun breakfast options. It doesn’t have to be extravagant – it can be as simple as a bagel and cream cheese, toaster waffles, pop tarts, or a yummy granola bar. You can even throw a few Starbucks bottled frappuccinos in the fridge for those extra difficult mornings.

3. Turn on the news!

Watching the Today Show or Good Morning America can help you stay in touch with society and can be great background noise while getting ready. It’s good to know that you’re not the only one awake at this hour!

4. Hop in the shower.

This can turn your day around and help you feel less groggy, which could increase your productivity. Showering is an all around great way to wake yourself up. 

5. Prepare the night before.

Waking up to a messy room is the equivalent of waking up on the wrong side of the bed. A messy room can be bad for your mental health and will trick you into feeling unproductive. You can also pack your bag the night before to keep yourself from frantically trying to get your life together before heading out the door. If you’re really on top of it, you can plan your outfit too!

Here’s to be morning people!