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Tips For People Who Are Always Late

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Yep, I’m talking to you! You’re sneaking a quick look to Her Campus articles when you should be on the way to your coffee date. You’re already late now, but I’ll share a few tips for the next time.

Have a friend keep you accountable

Or keep each other mutually accountable! Your friends or roommate(s) certainly won’t mind reminding you that you should’ve been dressed ten minutes ago.


Set a back-up alarm

If you’re having trouble getting to your 8 a.m. on time, keep an extra alarm set in case you snooze through the first… five. You may even want to set an alarm for the time you’re supposed to be out the door.

Allocate travel time

This includes the drive to an appointment and the walk (or sprint) to class. Don’t underestimate the time it takes to get to where you’re going.


Aim to leave 15 minutes before you really have to leave

This one is a life-saver. Plus, if you (miraculously) leave on time, you have extra time for a coffee run!

Stay organized

If you’re not the planning type, try organizational, calendar, or reminder apps on your phone. That way, everything is all in one place: in the palm of your hand!

Plan ahead

When you can, set your outfit out and print that paper now so you won’t be scrambling in the morning.

Stop telling yourself that you’re late to everything

This does more harm than good. Although you are facing the problem, you might actually start to believe yourself, and lack enough motivation to change your ways.

Be realistic

If you have to leave for class in five minutes, don’t start making yourself a gourmet breakfast. Grab an apple with some peanut butter and savor that extra five minutes!

Whatever the problem seems to be, understand that being late is almost never appropriate, and it can greatly affect your success in the personal, academic, and professional aspects of life. Perpetual lateness can be a commonality, but it’s not a personality trait, and it certainly can be improved!