Welcome back to the wellness workshop where I strive to illustrate the importance of a holistic life. In my first article, I described the top 6 ways to improve your wellness in college. Wellness is described as an active state of mind to be conscious of your health in order to pursue a happy and fulfilling lifestyle. To pursue a wellness mindset in college, the there are many ways to fulfil your own wellness path. The number one helpful tip I pointed out in the first article was to make time for yourself.
 As college students, it is important to slow down during such a busy time in your life. Many college students experience anxiety and stress because of the intense social atmosphere mixed with the overwhelming academic pressure. Stress is your body’s natural instinct towards this feeling; however, too much can lead to ​anxiety​ which is consistent worry. With this in mind, it is important to remember you are not alone in feeling stressed or anxious. According to Psychology Today​, in 2013 a study showed that 57% of college women and 40% of college males had reported experiencing overwhelming anxiety. Another study found that the average highs school study experiences the same levels of anxiety that a psychiatric patient did in the 1950’s. This clearly shows that as young adults, our stress levels have skyrocketed the past decade and are only growing.
 It is important to balance those stress levels to have a healthy well-being. Taking time to be alone and to reconnect with yourself is an important step to better your wellness. I like going on a walk to clear my head. I also enjoy writing in a journal to destress after a long week. Just doing something you like to do every once in a while by yourself will allow you to work through some thoughts you normal don’t have time for. Reconnect with yourself in order to boost your self awareness to work towards a better holistic college life.