Evalynn Farkas
Year: 2018
Hometown and what you love about it:
South Heights, PA, which I love because it is so small and teeming with lots of green life! The forest was in my backyard; there were towering trees and overgrown, wild gardens everywhere you looked! Super early in the morning, if I stood silently on the steps leading up to my house, I could hear a brook babble as it trickled down the hill and the sun would slowly rise. It was the most peaceful place in the world. It is such a tiny place, we do not even have mailboxes and aren’t even on most maps.
Areas of study and why you chose them:
Major: Sustainability Minor(s): Botany, Spanish
I chose the sustainability program because I am extremely interested in the sciences, want to see the school grow, and deeply care for the preservation of all life and the global environment.
Why did you choose Chatham?
I chose Chatham because its commitment to the empowerment of women, focus on global understanding, and dedication to the environment are all values that resonate with my own values. The Falk School of Sustainability was also a major draw for me. I feel like this is where I belong; I am meant to be here.
What’s the most unexpected class you’ve taken (or are currently taking) at Chatham?
Yoga! Yoga was always something I never thought I’d be doing, that I forever told myself I was too impatient for; but here I am, currently taking a yoga class, and I love it. It’s relaxing; makes me feel light, loose, warm, energetic, and happy!
You can choose one movie or TV character to give you personal, heartfelt advice – whenever you request it – for the rest of your life. Which character do you choose and why?
Sailor Moon, because I will forever aspire to be a pretty soldier of love and justice.
What advice do you have for other members of the Class of 2018?
Keep going; do not forget to study hard and play harder. Do not lose sight of your most grandiose dreams. Always, always, always, believe in the value and infinite power invested in you and your unique mind/universe.
What’s your favorite Chatham memory so far?
Chatham After Hours: Roller Skating in the AFC.
Suppose you get $50 that you have to spend in the next hour. What do you spend it on?
A fancy Moleskine watercolor sketchbook and some new paintbrushes! I do watercolors quite frequently, and am always scrounging around for extra paper to make magnets, postcards, small paintings, large paintings, etc. I have been working with a small Moleskine that is 5 x 8.25 inches for over a year now and it’s been wonderful practice; now I want to move on to a bigger, better sketchbook!
You can live in the world of any book for one full day. Which one do you choose and why?
The world of Oz, from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz! by L. Frank Baum. I would want to explore the country all day, then nap forever in the poppy field. Plus, it’d be pretty great to look anything like a W.W. Denslow illustration.
You get to design one Chatham class. What would it be and why?
Creative Reuse, because I think it would be fun to collaborate with my peers to create and design useful items out of what would normally be thought of as waste.
What do you love about being a Chatham woman?
I love being a Chatham woman because of the support we give to other Chatham women. We encourage each other to reach our fullest potential and pursue our wildest, most expansive dreams. We are a community open to new experiences and new knowledge. We are always looking for an adventure, always eager to learn and grow! Being a Chatham woman makes me feel strong; I feel like I can conquer the world and make the earth a better place, and that my Chatham sisters support my desire to do so. Every Chatham woman is an inspiration.
A friend is visiting Pittsburgh, and you can only take them to do one thing. What would it be?
PHIPPS! I love the botanical gardens, and am always super excited to show visitors the architecture of the greenhouse and all of the wonderful things inside and outside. I dream of interning there.
What is one thing that surprised you about Chatham?
Everyone is so friendly, sweet, smart, and cute! It is an unexpectedly warm atmosphere, and I feel very at home here. It is easy to be open with others.Â