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How to Deal When You Can’t Get Enough Sleep

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chatham chapter.

College is a busy time. Between studying and doing assignments for class, working, participating student organizations, spending time with friends, eating, and doing all of the other things that we want and need to do, sleep can sometimes escape our grasp. Some nights, I have too many assignments due or I am so busy that I forget to sleep. This is not healthy or good – the typical body is supposed to get around eight hours of sleep a night. Sometimes, though, we have to function on less. If we don’t get enough sleep the night before, we can’t just not show up to class or our other commitments. Here are some ways to stay alert and awake that don’t involve caffeine, so it will be easier to sleep as soon as possible.


If you’re feeling particularly foggy, sometimes taking a walk can help to clear your head and make you feel more awake. I actually had a professor who told our class that if they felt they couldn’t pay attention or that they were falling asleep, they should go for a walk outside and come back into class. Walking has been proven to improve your mood also.

Cold Showers/Baths

If exhaustion hits you really quickly and you’re working at home, jumping into the shower and not letting the water get warm can wake your whole body up very quickly. Even splashing cold water on your face can help too,

Breathing Exercises

The 4, 7, 8 breath increases mental clarity and focus. You sit upright, put your tongue right behind your front teeth, and inhale through your nose on a count of four, hold your breath for a count of seven, and exhale completely through your mouth on a count of eight. Repeat this cycle three times.

Working Out

Doing cardio is one of the best ways to wake the body up – this is why I like running in the morning so much. Hitting the gym before starting work will definitely help to make you more alert. There are even YouTube tutorials for energizing yoga, if you need a low-impact workout.

That girl wrapped in a blanket, carrying a mug of tea, headed to the library.
Indigo Baloch is the HC Chatham Campus Correspondent. She is a junior at Chatham University double majoring in Creative Writing and Journalism and double minoring Graphic Design and an Asian Studies Certificate. Indigo is a writer and Editorial Assistant at Maniac Magazine and occasionally does book reviews for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. She is also the Public Relations Director for The Mr. Roboto Project (a music venue in Pittsburgh) and creates their monthly newsletter. During her freshman and sophomore year, Indigo was the Editor-in-Chief of Chatham's student driven newsprint: Communique. Currently, on campus, Indigo is the Communications Coordinator for Minor Bird (Chatham's literary magazine), the Public Relations Director for Chatham's chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, and a Staff Writer and Columnist for Communique. She has worked as a Fashion Editorial Intern for WHIRL Magazine, and has been a featured reader at Chatham's Undergraduate Reading Series and a featured writer in Minor Bird. She loves art, music, film, theater, writing, and traveling.