Kara Doss
Year: First Year (2018)
Hometown and what you love about it:
I’m from the Scott Depot/Winfield area of West Virginia. Though they’re both small towns, I loved living in a suburban, valley area now that I live in a city. Also, Orange Leaf.
Areas of study and why you chose them:
I’m currently a women’s studies and psychology double major. I want to major in human sexuality and clinical psychology in graduate school, so these were stepping stones to them. Also, women’s studies has my heart.
Why did you choose Chatham?
I was very interested in being [in] a place that valued women’s empowerment. I never received that in high school. Diversity and a strong focus on education were added bonuses. Chatham gave me West Virginia but a big city off of Woodland Road.
What at Chatham are you thankful for?
My close group of friends that go on feminist rants with me, get angry at injustice, support me in whatever I do, lift up my spirits, and go to Rocky Horror showings with me at the Hollywood.
Suppose you can assign one book for everyone at Chatham to read. Which one do you choose and why?
C**t: A Declaration of Independence by Inga Muscio. I haven’t had the chance to read all of this book yet, but I find it really freaking cool how it talks about reclaiming “c**t,” sexuality back in the day, the moon phases and your period, HEALTHY periods, and all other vagina things. Chatham doesn’t talk about vaginas enough.
What are you involved in on campus?
I currently work at the PACE Center as an assistant, and I was just involved with Battle of the Classes and The Rocky Horror Picture Show a couple months ago.
What are you involved in off campus?
Attending Rocky Horror showings at the Hollywood Theater is basically all I want to do, but I’m about to start volunteering with Planned Parenthood!
Which Chatham course challenged you most, and what did you learn from the experience?
So far, Ethics and Women’s Issues has challenged me a bit. I’m not used to having opinions that I’m allowed to speak about in class nor develop them from a class. I’ve learned that I don’t have as many opinions or even education on subjects that I’ve thought, and it’s important that I know what I’m talking about.
Hot chocolate or hot coffee?
Hot coffee
Pumpkin or peppermint?
Ice skating or ice hockey?
Ice skating
Changing leaves or falling snow?
Changing leaves
Childhood Dream Job: Singer/veterinarian
Current Dream Job: Sexuality Educator/Any job at Planned Parenthood
What is one tradition you celebrate during the holiday season?
I’m not sure if this really counts as a tradition since I’ve only done it twice, but singing at The Nutcracker with General Admission show choir. There’s something about sitting in the orchestra pit, listening to the tuning of instruments, the feet of ballerinas, and singing piercing high notes that I love.