Photo by Shannon Ward
Last night, Florentijn Hofman’s four-story Rubber Duck floated up the Allegheny to meet the hundreds of thousands of people cheering from the shore. Part of the Pittsburgh International Festival of Firsts, the Rubber Duck is making its first US appearance courtesy of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust.
Photo by Mara Flanagan
Chatham students were among the Pittsburghers crowding onto the Roberto Clemente Bridge for the welcoming party. “It was amazing to see how many people were there!,” says Shannon Ward ’15.
Photo by Mara Flanagan
“I went with my grandmother and we tried to get on the bridge around 5:45pm to buy some souvenirs,” says Ward. “People were packed, elbow-to-elbow, on every square foot of the bridge. Who knew Pittsburgh was so full of duck enthusiasts?”
Photo by Mara Flanagan
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports the duck will float away after October 20, so be sure to head Downtown and check it out while you can!
Photo by Shannon Ward