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Sustainability Blog: Ten Tips for Sustainable Studying

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chatham chapter.

With universities’ finals coming and going, all-nighters, and extensive study guides and preparations, late nights are sure to be in the near future. How can you study sustainably? Here are ten tips for how to study the sustainable way:
1. Avoid Printing
Since you’ve already heard, “Save paper, save trees!” a hundred times, I’ll tell you something you don’t know about paper production: approximately 324 Liters of water are needed to produce 1 kilogram of paper. By reducing what you print, you’re saving trees and conserving water!

2. Utilize sites such as Dropbox
Sites such as Dropbox are easily downloadable, and you don’t have to email yourself the same paper or presentation to bring it up on another computer. Plus, you can easily link to other Dropbox users. Can you say, “group project helper?” Share documents and items with ease. Check it out for yourself!

3. Electronically take notes
Most profs are pretty lenient about letting you use a computer in class. Nowadays it is the norm! So why not check yourself out of Facebook for fifty minutes and actually be productive on your computer? Plus, you can keep all of your notes for the semester in one neat, complete space!

4. Make flashcards online
There are other alternatives to using standard flashcards. Check for online flashcard cites! (Psst! StudyBlue will let you join for free—you can even use your Facebook account!)

5. Pick a bright, well-lit area for studying
Nothing is worse for your eyes than trying to read in a poorly lit room. After 13 or so hours under fluorescent bulbs, your eyes need a break! Take your studies outside for a change. Solar energy is 100% free, and the sun can provide you with some much-needed vitamin D! If a trip outdoors isn’t what you had in mind, park yourself under a big window and get your study on!

6. Use a refillable mug for your caffeine fix
It’s such an easy choice to make! Instead of using new, disposable coffee cups each time, make an investment—choose the reusable ones! It puts less junk in the landfills and more trees in the ground! Plus, many coffee shops offer discounts to those who bring in refillable mugs.

7. Get a full night’s rest
Remember when your parent or guardian told you to make sure you got some sleep before that big math test? Well, he or she was absolutely correct! Current studies have shown that sleeping is necessary to form proper memories. A lack of sleep severely impairs brain function. For a detailed explanation, check out this link. 

8. Utilize an online/computer calendar
Slap in your homework or plan out your studying days in your computer’s built-in calendar! Sticking to a schedule will help you meet all your deadlines, and an online schedule will help you save the environment!

9. Block social networking sites during finals week
The less time you waste on social networking sites, the more energy you’ll save on your computer’s battery. No charge equals no use of coal-dependent electricity. Shutting off Facebook for a while can literally help save the Earth!

10. Get yourself PUMPED!
The more you believe that you can do something, the more likely you are to actually do it, and do it well. So make yourself a playlist of your fave songs! Have a mani-pedi night with your girls! This will help you stay mentally and physically healthy throughout your finals.
The tips listed above are really easy, and they can carry over to make the rest of your time at college easier. So utilize this list (but don’t print it out!), and happy studying! 

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Study Blue

  Mara Flanagan is entering her seventh semester as a Chapter Advisor. After founding the Chatham University Her Campus chapter in November 2011, she served as Campus Correspondent until graduation in 2015. Mara works as a freelance social media consultant in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She interned in incident command software publicity at ADASHI Systems, gamification at Evive Station, iQ Kids Radio in WQED’s Education Department, PR at Markowitz Communications, writing at WQED-FM, and marketing and product development at Bossa Nova Robotics. She loves jazz, filmmaking and circus arts.