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What It’s Like to Write a Senior Thesis (As Told By the Peanuts)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chatham chapter.

On the first day after Spring Break, you wake up to the realization that you’ve got roughly three weeks to finish your thesis.

On the outside, you’re playing it cool.

But on the inside, you feel a lot more like this:

With a day of writing ahead, you pack up all of the snacks you have stashed in your room…

…and make several dozen studying playlists on Spotify.
When you finally sit down to write, nothing can stop you.

But after five hours, you realize you’re still twenty pages short.

Your next two weeks look like this:

And every wrong answer or dead end feels a lot like this:

At this point, you’re totally comfortable being the last person to leave the computer lab.

But when that paper is finally done, you could not be happier.

You’re totally ready to crash…

…until you remember that you’ve still got to present your project. You may only have three tutors on your board, but the walk to the podium feels a lot more like this:

The minute the PowerPoint flickers to the screen, your first instinct is to turn right around and head out the door.

But you stick it out and defend your thesis fueled entirely by determination and espresso.

When it’s over, you realize that you’re actually kind of in love with your topic. 

And when you get your acceptance letter to graduate school, you couldn’t be happier.

But before you dive into a new thesis, you’re going to celebrate the one you just finished…

…and spend the end of your semester with the people who made you love college in the first place.


Cover Photo: Image by Tinou Bao, used under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License. 

  Mara Flanagan is entering her seventh semester as a Chapter Advisor. After founding the Chatham University Her Campus chapter in November 2011, she served as Campus Correspondent until graduation in 2015. Mara works as a freelance social media consultant in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She interned in incident command software publicity at ADASHI Systems, gamification at Evive Station, iQ Kids Radio in WQED’s Education Department, PR at Markowitz Communications, writing at WQED-FM, and marketing and product development at Bossa Nova Robotics. She loves jazz, filmmaking and circus arts.