Rest assured, your dream guy is out there, but chances are first you’ll have to go through a number of people that are not, and there’s one rule to keep in mind. How he treats those around him is how he will one day treat you.
Pretty self explanatory but easily forgotten, this “golden rule” can help solidify your suspicion that he is in fact “the one”, or save you from making a horrible mistake.
What to look for:
1. Always be looking at how he interacts with strangers.
Does he open doors? Is he polite to people on the street? Or, is he rude to your waiter at dinner? Does he act like he believes that he’s better than the janitor mopping the floor? Well he’s not and someday, he may think he’s better than you.
2. Pay attention to how he interacts with the other women in his life.
Does make fun of your best friend mercilessly behind her back? Did he cheat on his ex? Or, does he call his mom often? Does he tell you his best friend Amanda since grade school adores you? He probably adores you too.
3. Lastly, and most importantly, notice how he treats you.
This might seem obvious, but you’re around him the most and you’ve probably stopped picking up on some of the things he does.
Is he honest with you? Does he treat you as his equal? Or, does he pretend to not hear you when you repeat your question? Does he constantly belittle you? Let me tell you something love, you are not insignificant. His words should always be those of love.
And when you do get into arguments, because let’s face it no relationship is flawless, he should still be rational. If you give him respect, he should reciprocate it, no exceptions.
Nobody’s perfect, your prince charming isn’t and neither are you, but the flaws you notice while paying attention to this rule should be ones you know you can live with, or can’t live without.
Like, the way he stumbles his words when he gets nervous. Or how he can’t keep a straight face while telling only a white lie. The way he makes you feel every time he looks at you. How he brings a smile to everyone he comes a cross, and laughter to every room he enters.
The person you spend the rest of your life with should make you want to live life to the fullest.
Hopefully you find him sooner than later, but never settle and always follow the golden rule because honey you’re worth it and you deserve to be with someone who knows it.