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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

Name: Manoj Ambalavanan

Age: 21

Year: 3rd year

Relationship Status: Taken!

Major: Philosophy, Spanish and Pre-Med

Hometown: Centerville, OH

Hobbies: Listening to music, hanging out with friends and attempting to stay fit/in shape


Her Campus: First off, how do you pronounce your amazingly long last name?

Manoj Ambalavanan: Well if I were to try and spell it out as how you would say it, I think it would be um-bal-la-va-nun. I used to tell all my grade school teachers that there was an A in every syllable and that used to help them out. I’d say practice makes perfect.


HC: Great. What is your favorite thing here at UC?

MA: Picking one thing is pretty hard. For me, though, it would have to be all of the different students and how passionate they are about what they do. Seeing all of the cool things that they are able to create and produce really makes me proud to be a bearcat.

HC: What is your favorite study abroad trip so far and why?

MA: This is an easy one: definitely my four weeks in Guatemala. The main reason being because this is where I met the great Tyasia Jenkins, along with other people. Other things were just the group of people we went with and how they became a great family, and I really ended up loving Guatemala and the city of Antigua. I definitely need to return or go to another Latin American country before I graduate.


HC: What made you become so involved with Student Government and UFB?

MA: I had some involvement throughout high school so that’s what initially sparked my interest. I just really like the far reaching ability to impact a large amount of the student body that both of these organizations have. In a sense, it makes me really feel like my time and efforts are going towards improving the students experience here. And for the most part, the people are super fun and always keep things interesting.


HC: If you could change one thing during your time here, what would you change?

MA: I would hope to have a better teach evaluation system. I feel like there has to be a way to have a much more evaluative and efficient way to use all of the evaluations we fill out every semester that would better benefit the students and professors.


HC: Last question! What song is currently your song of the week?

MA: To be honest, it’s probably “Take Me to Church” by Hozier. It’s in the new LeBron James Beats commercial and it’s just epic in my opinion.


Campus Correspondent and founder of Her Campus Cincinnati. Tyasia is a 5th year Spanish & Marketing student (sadly!). Lover of all things plaid! When she's not sipping on margaritas or eating mangos, she's jet setting around the world (All time favorite place: Guatemala!) Tyasia plans to make New York City her home sweet home after graduation to pursue a International or Fashion PR career! Keep up with her on Twitter @tyjenksss
Ashleigh is a sophomore at the University of Cincinnati studying Journalism. She has a passion for writing, making people laugh, and random tokens of kindness. Born and raised in Kentucky, yet the furthest thing from a country girl! City life is the only life for her, and she is proud to call Cincinnati home.