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Voting as a College Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

Yes, we know that we are not the first to cover this topic, and definitely will not be the last. But, the more awareness made on the issue of V O T I N G the more people will hopefully get out on November 8th and make their voice heard. Even if you do not like the presidential candidates there are many more issues to vote on. Below are four go-to links involving the election, voting, issues & more!


Election Dates & Deadlines – This site will keep you on track with deadlines in case you still have not registered (ends October 11th in Ohio) and information on early voting, absentee voting and more. This is great for college students who may be registered to vote at their home address but don’t currently reside there.

Ballotpedia.org – This site has much information on what will be on the ballot in Ohio, dates, voting, etc. It can serve as a one stop shop for getting informed.

Politifact.com – This site checks the accuracy of statements made by politicians. The site can help you dive into the truth behind issues and it also won a Pulitzer Prize. 

Unbiased News Sources – This site lays out different news sites that are unbiased in their reporting. In today’s day and age it is so important to look at unbiased information in order to make an informed decision for yourself. This list lays out eight different sources.

Remember, get out and vote. Get YOUR voice heard.

Have more information that we missed? Email us at hercampuscincinnati@gmail.com and we will add more if need be.

Maddie Huggins is a fourth year student at the University of Cincinnati. Originally from Columbus, she quickly learned to swap out the OSU scarlet and grey for UC red and black. Maddie has loved writing since she was a little girl and is always down for a good time. She prides herself in being the world's best hugger.