It is not always easy to get what we want. To be honest, it never is. We have to face so many obstacles that stand between us and our golden dreams. But it’s worth trying, isn’t it?
However, whatever goal we are striking for, we will always have to face competition: from our colleagues, friends, mates, sometimes from ourselves without even realizing it. Yes, you heard me my dear collegiettes! Sometimes we are our worst enemy. We force ourselves to think we are not enough, that we should give up on what we want. But instead of paying attention to that awful voice in our head that keeps saying “give up”, we should start saying “no, I won’t”, and fight for what we truly want.
In whichever occasion, no matter if we are talking about university, job interview or even something apparently insignificant, we have to learn how to face the feeling of competition and how to motivate ourselves. And this doesn’t always mean that we will achieve and obtain what we want. But instead, that we will be ready to try, try, try again and again. We will be ready even to fail. Because, I know it’s a cliché but it’s the truth, without failure there wouldn’t be any success.
I want to end with a really inspiring quote I heard from Kay Burley, the Sky News founder member and Britain’s longest serving female newsreader, at a conference about women in journalism: “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” Good luck to everybody!