We all know that after college it is that we get a job in our major so we can start paying off the student loans as soon as possible. The thing is you are only young for so long and deserve the chance to have some fun while you do not have anything stopping you. Here are just a few suggestions:
1. Road trip across the country.
Take a trip from your hometown where ever you may be and go to the opposite side of the country. If you live in the middle of it just choose a direction and go. It’s the best way to see the country and you may even make some friends along the way. It gets you out there and you might even find a new place to settle down in.
2. Travel out of the country.
Get out of HERE! Sick of where you live? Been everywhere but haven’t set foot out of the country? Get going! Take some time and money and go see something that you have never seen before. Take your friends with you!
3. Volunteer.
You can volunteer anywhere and it will always give some sort of satisfaction that you helped someone. Volunteering may even take you out of the country.
4. Become a flight attendant.
This is actually interesting. This could truly help you travel for free and help pay student loans. It would be much more fun than that part-time job that you had through high school and college. Flight attendants receive formal on-the-job training for three to six weeks. It is recommended that you have a college degree. This could really get you out in the world.
5. Intern.
Of course, the job that you really desire wants you to have experience so why not intern to get that experience. It could really help you in the end. Interning could really give you that boost that you need to get that job.
6. Go do something crazy.
Bungee jump! Skydive! Rock climb!