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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

 Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase the awareness of the disease. It is also a month in funds are raised for research into it’s cause, prevention, and honor those who have fought or are continuing to fight.  But even though, this is celebrated every October, each year, that isn’t the only time we should raise awareness. We should be raising awareness every day.

   Did you know that 1 and 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime? When an individual is told that they have breast cancer, they wonder what may have caused this disease. Sadly, no one knows the exact causes of breast cancer. Doctors rarely know why one woman or man develop breast cancer, and another does not. Most women who have breast cancer will never be able to pinpoint an exact cause, but we do know that breast cancer is always caused by damage to a cell’s DNA.

  But, there are known risk factors that can increase the chance of getting breast cancer. Some of these risk factors include alcohol consumption over time can be avoided. But, other factors such as family history of breast cancer can’t be avoided. By having these risk factor DOES NOT mean that a woman or man will get breast cancer. In fact, most women who have risk factors never develop this disease.

  There are myths to what causes breast cancer, such as caffeine, deodorant, microwaves, cell phones, and contact with someone who does have breast cancer. Rule these all out now. They have no connection to a woman or man developing breast cancer.

   Next, what are the early symptoms of breast cancer and how can you prevent it? Most women or men will only initially notice only one or two symptoms. The presence of these do not automatically mean you have breast cancer. By preforming monthly breast exams or getting mammograms every year, will easily help find any chances in the breasts. But, always be sure to check with your healthcare professional if you notice anything unusual. Remember, if you notice any breast cancer symptoms, make sure to get it investigated as soon as it is discovered.

As you can see, I’ve been mention both women and men in this article. That’s because  men can also be affected by breast cancer. All people including men and women are born with breast cells and tissue. Even though men don’t develop milk-producing breasts, a man’s breast cells/tissue can still develop breast cancer. Even though it’s rare, and less than 1% of all breast cancer develop men, and only 1 in 1,000 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer it’s still important.

Breast cancer in men is usually detected by a hard lump under the nipple or areola. Men carry higher morality than women do, since it’s less frequent in men, which is why seeking treatment can be delayed. Like women, if you notice any chances or signs, don’t hesitate to call your healthcare professional if you have questions, concerns, or want to get screened/checked out.

So, why is it awareness for breast cancer so important? Because, it affects both women and men every year. While, it affects more women than men, it’s something that needs to be fought for. But how can you help? Donate, fundraise, and partner/join a national charity, and wear pink or pink ribbon. You can donate money in order to provide educational resources, free mammograms, fund patient navigation programs, and more. Not only is this a beautiful way to give back, but also a great gift to provide to anyone fighting.

Next, fundraising. You can do an individual, business, or school or sport fundraiser towards breast cancer. No matter way, it’s a great way to promote awareness and give back.

Finally, you can partner through corporate sponsorship. By doing this, you can directly help these companies to achieve the ability to give money towards research, funds, and more. Also, if you wish to continue to show your support, wear pink or the pink ribbon to show you care and want to see more research, funds, prevention, and honor those who are fighting or have fought.

As you can see there is so much you can do to help and educate those about breast cancer and are fighting it. If you would like to get involved, find a local charity or go to this website for more information and ways to help! Below are some of the charities/supporters below! 






Hello, I am Lyndsey Kujawa I am currently a Senior at Clarion University of Pennsylvania majoring in Communication Digital Media, with a minor in Sociology. Throughout my time at Clarion University, I have served many leadership positions, including Outreach Director, Field News Producer, News Director, and Executive TV producer for Clarion's department of Communication. In addition, I have also served as PR/Social Media coordinator for University Activities Board, PR/Social media Coordinator/executive board member for the American Advertising Club, writer for Her Campus, Sociology Club committee member, and "Love her Melon chapter at Clarion University. After college, I hope to pursue a career in becoming a television producer or a career in producing commercial and advertising content for an integrated PR Agency.