Imagine you are in a waiting room expecting to be called soon. You are scared. You are lonely. You are about to get back test results that could change your life forever. A nurse comes out, calls you back to a room, and tells you the doctor will be right with you. You see the look on her face, you already know what is about to be said. You act as if you don’t know to keep yourself together. The doctor comes in with a bunch of papers. He sits down, holds your hand and says, “you have cancer.” You begin to cry hysterically. You look into the doctor’s eyes after crying for what seems like an eternity and you ask them, “what is there that we can do.”
So after reading that, and how terrible some of these patients circumstances are, why do we still have no cure.
I was personally torn away from a loved one when I was just twelve years old. I watched her lose her memory. I watched her become weaker and weaker. I watched her lose her strength to even walk. In her final days she had no idea who I was. She had no appetite and had not eaten in seven days. On the seventh day she passed away. She was my best friend. She was the only person that made me feel at home. No matter if I was at home or not, she always made her home my home. However, I will never say the words, “cancer killed my loved one.” I don’t do this because cancer never wins. They win because they get to go to the greatest place known.
Another time I was affected by this disgusting disease was my senior year of high school. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. I remember her telling me that she had found a lump on her breast, but not to worry about it. I went sledding (I know, as a senior me and my friends were super lame) and I told all of them. I remember one of my best friends telling me “it’s probably nothing, don’t worry about it.” Truthfully I did not. I never thought that my mom could have cancer. At such a young age, I never thought it was possible. Well, unfortunately I was wrong. She was diagnosed on January 26, 2016. She went through a surgery and twenty rounds of radiation. She then had a follow up a few weeks later to see how everything was. She was lucky. It was all good. Everything was fine and she was cancer free. Cancer did not take this loved one from me.
Unfortunately, not everyone makes it. Everyone is unique and different. The way cancer takes over your body is different for everyone. No two cases are ever the same.