Spring has finally sprung!
I don’t know about any of you, but this winter was a rough one. Seasonal depression hit really hard this year. It was like seasonal depression was a pro MMA fighter and I was the punching bag. But not that spring has sprung, it is time to shake off those winter blues and add a little pastel yellow into your life.
Spring is the time to clean all of the negative space that surrounded you for months. Not only should you start cleaning your living space and reorganize your closet, but you should also think about going shopping to get some healthy food, make time to cook that healthy food and sit down for a meal instead of running off, and divulge your life of the toxic people that continue to deny spending time with you. If they are too busy for you when you do everything to fit them into your already busy schedule, stop making that time for them and start making that time for you or for people who actually want to spend time with you and be involved with your life. You should never keep toxic people around, but I understand that sometimes it takes the little push of an event such as spring cleaning to force yourself to get the job done.
Stay on top of your assignments and finish this semester strong. Open your heart to the idea that maybe this next relationship will not hurt you so terribly and love is worth a shot. Put yourself out there and do something that excites and scares you. Push yourself out of your comfort zone to do something you have always wanted to do but let anxiety hold you back. Please make sure these are safe activities such as walking up to a cute person you always wanted to talk to rather than doing drugs or jumping off a cliff with nothing to safely catch you. Don’t get too wild, kids.
No matter what you decide to do for the cleansing power that is the seasonal change to spring, make sure you are doing something that makes you happy and healthy. Make a list of what you plan to do and do not stop until everything is checked off. The saying has always been “New Year New Me,” but that does not have to solely apply to the New Year. Reinvent yourself whenever the time is right for you. It doesn’t even have to be spring. It could be any time that you decide you need to do something different with your life. Spring is just a great time to do all of these other suggestions if you are already on a spring cleaning frenzy. Live the life that you want to live! Stay beautiful!