Dear Beautiful,
It’s already half way through 2018. And each year, thousands of people devote their entire year to achieving different goals, or in this case resolutions. In most cases, people are on board the minute January 1st hits, but find themselves slowly drifting away from it their list of accomplishments. So, my questions are, did you have any resolutions this year? Which ones did you accomplish? Did you drift away from them?
I can honestly say I did, but there is one of my resolutions in particular that I didn’t give up on. That is, to take better care of my overall mental health. Everyday, I always try to find ways to improve myself mentally, physically, and emotionally. Whether it’s through positive affirmations, praising myself over accomplishments made, doing yoga every morning, writing my thoughts down in a journal, or simply venting my emotions to a loved one. Either way, these daily goals have helped myself immensely in a plethora of ways. And while I feel better than I have in years, there are still thousands of individuals who are still facing this demon on a daily basis.
Statics state that every 1 in 5 Americans suffer from a mental illness, and yet it’s still taboo in our society today to talk about it. Why? Because either they don’t believe it exists or don’t understand why people suffer from it. You know what I have to say to those individuals? It’s very real. So real it affects millions on a daily basis. So, today, lets break down those barriers, and stigmas. Let’s feely and openly talk about this subject. Let’s help those individuals who need it the most by creating a comfortable environment. So, let’s face it, head on TOGETHER. Today’s topic? Self-Love.
Practicing self-love can be a challenge for many individuals, especially at times when the word seems to be crashing down on us. But, don’t worry. You are not alone. Many individuals suffer from a lack of self-love. It’s a hard. It’s not easy to always be positive towards yourself. But, with a little practice and patience, I promise you can learn how to show yourself a little bit more love. The key to remember, it’s not about being self-absorbed or egotistical, it’s about finding peace within yourself, and finding YOUR happiness. So, do yourself a favor and keep reading to learn 6 daily reminders on how to improve your mental health.
- Start Positive: Remember to start your day by looking in the mirror, and telling yourself something positive. It can be how beautiful you look or feel that day, or what you accomplished in the past week. This will not only boost your confidence, but also your mood for the rest of day.
- Surround Yourself With Positivity: First and foremost. Surround yourself with positive people who love and encourage you. By having people like this in your life, it not only boosts you outlook on life, but it will lift your spirits, and stimulate motivation.
- Exercise: Move that GORGEOUS body! Experts say exercising releases endorphins, which are chemicals that interact with your receptors in your brain, and reduce your perception of pain, and increase positivity. So, get yourself out there! Exercise for at least 20-30 minutes a day! Not only will you feel beautiful, but your body will thank you as well.
- Celebrate Your Wins: No matter how big or small, always remember to pat yourself on the back from time to time. ALWAYS Be proud of what you have achieved. No one else got you to where you are. Just you. And that’s pretty darn amazing!
- Stop The Comparisons: Remember, in this world, there is no one in the world that is just like you. So, stop comparing yourself to others. You are beautiful just the way you are, so never change that! If people can’t see what a lovely person you are, then drop them completely out of your life. They don’t deserve a wonderful person like you.
- Get Rid Of All Toxicity: Seriously. I am not just saying this to reiterate my last point. But, If you have anyone in your life right now that makes your feel less than amazing than that person does not deserve to be in your life. Cut. Them. Out. Right. Now. You will feel much better knowing that you don’t have that toxic influences in your life.
At the end of the day, you are you. A beautiful soul that is one of a kind, that is like no other. So, remember stay positive, be kind to yourself, and believe in YOU. If you do, I promise you will not only learn to love yourself more, but you will have a better out look on life! And remember, you are not alone. Everyone in this world has a cross that they bare. Don’t be afraid to get help or talk about it. XOXO.
Someone Who Cares!