1. The squirrels are back!
….and they’re photobombing all of your pictures on the green.
2. Spree Day Came and Went.
When you get stressed about finals you look at the pictures you took with the baby goat at the petting zoo and BOOM stress is gone.
3. The workload is increasing…
..but the motivation is decreasing.
4. The Green is always packed.
The people who are really committed show up at 9am to claim their spots for the day.
5. People have completely switched over to their summer wardrobes.
Birkenstocks. Birkenstocks EVERYWHERE.
6. The heat in all of the buildings is still on because it hasn’t been adjusted yet.
Cue sweating profusely while trying to take your chemistry exam.
7. Spring sports are in full swing.
Baseball anyone?
8. The skateboards/scooters are back.
No one is safe.
9. Dining services is incorporating seasonal foods into the meals.
FINALLY the return of the mangos!
10. Course evaluations are happening…
…and you’re getting REALLY honest about your professors.
11. The AC is filling up.
Nothing like cramming at the end of the semester to turn that D into an A (best of luck, comrades).
12. Class attendance is going way down
Refer to points #4 and #11. They’re either all on the green or in the AC.
13. Everybody is starting to sell things on Clark Craigslist
Looking for the perfect pair of used flip flops for summertime? We’ve got you covered—for $5 of course.
14. Everyone is looking for sub-letters for the summer
“Oh, you’re looking for a sub-letter? My roommate’s best friend’s lab partner needs a place from June until August, let me give you her number!”
15. Admissions tours are everywhere.
You’re anxiously awaiting the May 1st decision deadline so the Dining Hall will clear up again and there won’t be any more lost looking parents roaming about.