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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clark chapter.

(WARNING: This article may contain spoilers)

This past Tuesday, Clare Crawley officially began her journey as the Bachelorette. By judging from the season preview alone, this season might actually be the most dramatic season yet. So, in honor of a new episode premiering this upcoming Tuesday, let’s highlight some moments from the last episode.

Here are some of the things that stood out to me:

– This season’s Tyler C.

There’s a new Tyler C in town. The only difference is that this Tyler C doesn’t make it very far in the season. In fact, he didn’t make it past night one. Through his attempt to warn Clare about Yosef, his plan backfires and causes him to be sent home. While I feel bad about the situation, he should have known from past seasons to not bring up the drama, especially on the first day. Although, I do think Clare should have sent them both home, but maybe that’s just me.

– Dale’s Entrance.

Rumor has it that Tayshia becomes the Bachelorette because Clare chooses Dale and leaves the show early on. If this is true, then the producers sure aren’t trying to convince the audience otherwise. From their first meeting to their one-on-one conversation, they made everything seem like it was love at first sight and that Dale is the perfect guy. It would almost be shocking if they didn’t end up together.

– The first impression rose.

I know, I know, I know. It was obvious that Dale was going to get the first impression rose. But come on. I can’t be the only one who thought that Blake was more deserving of it. If I weren’t already confident that Clare leaves with Dale, I would for sure include Blake in my final three picks. I’ll keep an eye out for him this season. Maybe he’ll have a shot with Tayshia.

Overall, I think that Clare has a pretty nice group of guys this season. As I continue to watch, I am really interested to see how they transition to Tayshia being the Bachelorette. Not much is really known about what happens after Clare leaves, and I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to find out!

Michelle is currently majoring in Management with a concentration in Marketing. She loves to travel and hopes to one day take a dip into marketing world.