As Halloween is just a few weeks away, everyone seems to be getting into the spooky spirit and finding a perfect costume. Now it’s your turn.
One fun and easy way to stay within budget this Halloween is to create a costume yourself, or do it yourself (diy). Most of the time, diy costumes utilize clothes and objects you already have at home, so they are low budget and a great way to get into costume at the last minute.
Here’s a five suggestions to get you started.
1. A gum ball machine
  I went as this last year. It was a really simple and easy costume to make. I used an old tank top and put colorful pompom balls all over it (as the gum balls). I wore a black skirt and cut out a rectangle with paper and drew on it 25¢. It was a hit!
2. An animal
   I was a giraffe a few years ago. I used one of my dad’s old t-shirts so that it’d look like a dress on me and painted it with brown spots. I bought a cheap giraffe headband and tail. I also face painted spots up my neck and the side of my face. This can really go with any animal. If you don’t like painting, try a pig and just wear a pink shirt and the headband/tail.
3. Fruit
  I’ve seen this recently online. Basically, you just need a headband that you attach a green rolled up construction paper tube to (as the stem). You could even add a leaf if you’re that fancy. Then any color outfit you want can match to any fruit. For example, wear yellow and you’re a pineapple. Red and you’re an apple, or even orange to become an orange.
4. A book character
  Lots of times characters have specific wardrobes that they are known for, and often those outfits are not too far out of reach. Two years ago, I was the Man In The Yellow Hat from Curious George. I wore a yellow skirt, yellow button down, and—of course—the infamous yellow hat. I have a Curious George stuffed animal that I carried around. This idea can roll with many story book characters, such as a wizard or witch from Harry Potter or even Where’s Waldo.
5. Print something out
  If you print something out you can stick it to your shirt. This could be a silly sign saying “Error: No Costume Found” or something more pop culture like a Starbucks logo to become a pumpkin spiced latte.
Trick or treat!