Finals season is quickly approaching and that means lots of late nights in the library scrambling to finish papers and study for exams. If you’re anything like us, that thought alone is enough to spark a mild wave of anxiety. With that said, today I thought I would share my library essentials. These are items I always make sure to have in my backpack before taking off to hibernate in the library. Let’s get started!
1. Your computerI
We rarely ever leave our apartment without our computers. Whether it’s to complete readings or take notes, you never know when you’ll need to look something up or have a sudden desire for study music. There’s nothing wrong with being extra prepared!
2. Layers, layers, layers
This time of year is odd because you can be freezing one minute and then have a heat stroke as soon as you step inside. Rather than suffering through a hot flash, always make sure to bring a few layers to the library with you. A jacket with a sweater underneath is normally a safe bet. This allows for multiple layers to be taken off and prevents sweating your way through your study session. If you get cold again you can always throw something back on!
3. COFFEE Let’s face it – caffeine is one of the only things that makes finals bearable. Whether you bring it from home or buying some at Jazzman’s, no study session is complete without coffee. However, not everyone likes coffee, but come the winter months we recommend having some kind of warm drink by your side to help keep yourself awake!
4. Chargers ​Especially if you know you’ll be in the library for a while, be sure to bring all of your necessary chargers! This includes but is not limited to: phone, computer and any other device you regularly have on you. It’ll save you the dreaded trip back to your dorm in the middle of your study time.
What are your go-to study essentials?