Take a power nap.
Call your mom.
Take a hot shower.
Color a page in a coloring book.
Organize your desk.
Listen to a chapter of an audiobook.
Paint your nails.
Do Zumba that you can learn on YouTube.
FaceTime your best friends.
Curl your hair.
Watch cooking videos on Facebook.
Save motivational quotes on Pinterest.
Write a letter to your grandma.
Pick some flowers to keep in your room.
Frame a photo of you on the happiest day of your life and keep it somewhere that you will look often.
Do your hair and makeup and take cute selfies.
Pick out your outfits for the next week.
Have a dance party by yourself.
Doodle a picture to hang on your fridge.
Start a countdown to your birthday.
Plan your next road trip.
Download an app to start learning a new language.
Finger paint.
- Give yourself a facial.