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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

There are TWO more weeks of class before finals week and then we’re done! Let that sink in for a minute. This brings about many different emotions; excitement for summer,

anxiety about bringing up grades,

dread of finals week,

disbelief that the semester went so fast, etc.

No matter which feeling is most prominent for you, it’s important to think about finishing the semester strong.

Procrastination is at its peak at the end of the semester. The reason for this is that motivation is likely running out from the preceding 13 weeks. If procrastinating hasn’t been a problem for you before, it likely is now.

First, it’s important to acknowledge that you procrastinate and notice why you do so. Is the work too hard? Too boring? The possibilities are endless and can vary depending on the task. Once you know why you’re procrastinating, it’s easier to combat.  f the work is too hard, see your professor beforehand to ask questions about it. If it’s too boring, ask one of your classmates to work on it with you. Many students use productive replacements when procrastinating. Picture this: sadly, you’ve waited until the last day to study before your exam. While opening your notebook, you notice that your room is messy, so you start to clean. You still feel productive because you technically are, but not in the way you need to be. Your room can wait, your test will certainly not. I’m guilty of doing this during finals week with packing. This semester, I’m not going to study in my room so that I’m not distracted by the urge to pack. I suggest you try this too if you have a similar problem.

It’s important at the end of the semester to check in on your GPA goals. Clemson has an online GPA calculator for you to check your current progress and estimate what things will look like for you at the end of the semester. You should also determine how much of your grade you have left. You may be sitting comfortably at an A in a class right now, but your final exam may be worth 30%, which can have a substantial impact on the grade you see on your transcript.  

Self-care is crucial at the end of the semester.

Many of us are starting to feel extremely drained, which is a bit inconvenient considering the most important week of the semester is approaching very quickly. Make sure you’re taking deep breaths when the world feels like it’s crashing down. Picture yourself on the beach when you’re done with finals week. Take a power nap. Listen to relaxing music. Do what you have to do to keep your cool.

Overall, it’s important to keep our energy and morale up to finish strong. The next few weeks are going to be a whirlwind, but we’ll get through it together!


Hannah Fanset

Clemson '21

Hi, Everyone! I'm Hannah Fanset. I'm a sophomore from Rochester, NY, and I'm majoring in psychology and management. My favorite things are books, movies, traveling, eating good food and laughing way too loud.