com·pli·ment | \ ˈkäm-plə-mənt \
Definition of compliment
1a: an expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration especially : an admiring remark
b: formal and respectful recognition : HONOR
National compliment day is on January 24, giving you the opportunity to spread a little happiness, love, and appreciation wherever you go. Recent research has confirmed that a compliment has the same positive effect as a cash reward, and we all know how happy we get when we find that missing $20 bill in the pockets of the pair of jeans we forgot we owned. This same study proved that cognitive and motor skills significantly improve when the person being tested received a compliment from the facilitator. So not only are compliments making you happy, they’re making you and whoever else you give a compliment to perform better in everyday activities.
Self-esteem and low confidence don’t discriminate. Everyone deals with—or has dealt with—not feeling or thinking the best about themselves. We, as women, experience this more than anyone else. Instead of gossiping about the person next to you, tell them you like their shoes or their outfit or the way they did their hair. A small token of kindness like that can change someone’s mood for the rest of the day because we never know what someone may be going through. With all the hate and separation that is in the world now, this national day of compliments could not have come at a better time. So, I will get us started. To whoever is reading this, “you is kind, you is smart, you is important,” (Aibileen Clark, The Help) and you are beautiful!