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Thoughts Every College Student Has Over Winter Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

1. Did I forget to turn something in?

2. Wait, I’m done with classes.

3. Did I lock my apartment/dorm?

4. Oh no, did I forget that one thing?

5. My bed is so comfortable!

6. Holy crap, there’s so much food here.

7. Maybe I can get someone to cook for me…

8. So thankful for my own bathroom!

9. What time do I have to wake up tomorrow?

10. Never mind, NO CLASSES.

11. Should I watch one movie or two today?

12. I want to sleep for days.

13. I miss Clemson already!

I'm an Honors Biological Sciences major here at Clemson University. I love science, theater, poetry, and music and am incredibly passionate about world events, especially what's going on in the Middle East. I love meeting new people, trying new things (especially food), and sharing new experiences with the people I love!
Hannah Fanset

Clemson '21

Hi, Everyone! I'm Hannah Fanset. I'm a sophomore from Rochester, NY, and I'm majoring in psychology and management. My favorite things are books, movies, traveling, eating good food and laughing way too loud.