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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

With midterms right around the corner, many students feel bombarded with tests and an overload of assignments.  Every year, it seems that professors plan to have all of our tests during one week and it can be extremely stressful. Here are some easy tips to help get you through any test that don’t involve cramming the night before.


1.Start studying a week before the exam

Most professor tell students that to make a good grade in their class, they must study as many hours as the class credit is worth. Usually, this means studying three hours a week for each class you are taking. Most students do not do this, so instead, they start studying a week prior to the exam. The first few days you should read through your notes and figure out what you do not understand. The next couple of days, take time to understand concepts that you struggle with instead of constantly going over the easy material you already know. Breaking up material everyday until the exam will help you retain more information and feel less stressed out by the day of the test. And remember to try to keep your phone on silent so you do not get distracted (or stay on snapchat for an hour).

2. Go to office hours and tutoring

Many students do not take advantage of office hours and that’s a huge mistake. If you do not understand something, it is best to go to the person who is teaching the class. I know going to your professor’s office can be intimidating, but this could help you to drastically improve your grade in a class. Also, most professors like to get to know their students and professors can be a great reference for resumes. The Academic Success Center is also a great resource to use as well. There is drop=in tutoring throughout the week and this can help if your professor’s office hours do not work in your schedule.

3. Rewrite notes

While in class, sometimes you feel like you are in a rush and your notes are confusing and hard to read. On top of that, if your professor puts powerpoint slides online, they tend to be long and drawn out which makes it harder to study. What I find easiest is to write down main concepts then write down any skills I will need to know that go along with that concept. Make sure you highlight and use different colored pens to write with which will help keep you from getting bored during studying. In some classes it is easier to make flash cards or use Quizlet to study. The best thing to do is to find the method that works best for you and continually study the material until you get comfortable with it.

4. Don’t forget to study old homework and practice problems

Some people get so focused on studying notes and powerpoint slides that they forget to study homework assignments. Most professors use these assignments as the basis for what is on the test. If you are in a class that requires a lot of math, make sure you can do the problems forwards and backwards. Be prepared for any questions your professor might throw at you so by test time you won’t get stumped by an equation you weren’t prepared for.

5. Treat Yo Self

Whenever I am studying, I find it helpful to give myself some incentive to keep going. What works for me is always having some snacks to keep me awake. Whether it’s candy, pizza, or chips and guac, I try anything to keep me studying instead of taking a nap. Sometimes if I have a really hard test I incentivize myself by buying something on my Amazon list that I have wanted for a while. Whatever your treat may be, find something that will help you stay motivated and always remember you will get through it.


Good Luck and Happy Studying!

Caitlin Barkley is currently a senior at Clemson University pursuing a degree in both Biology and Psychology. In 2016-2017, she served as the Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief for Her Campus Clemson after joining her freshman year. She is also an ambassador with the Calhoun Honors College, a teacher with Clemson Dancers, and a member of Tiger Strut Dance Company. Caitlin is a colonizing member of the South Carolina Beta Chapter of Pi Beta Phi, and she serves as the current Chapter President. A few of her favorite things include coffee, her Clemson ring, and fuzzy blankets! Follow her on Instagram @c_barkley19