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Valentine’s Day Ideas on a College Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

Valentine’s Day is coming up soon, and we all want to make sure that special someone has the night of their life. But that’s not always easy when you’re a broke college student! So here’s a quick handy list of some easy ideas that will keep the romance alive without breaking the bank!


  1. “Netflix and Chill”

Cuddling + a great movie = the perfect quiet evening with your significant other



2. Make Dinner Together!

Who doesn’t love a home-cooked meal? Plus cooking together can be a great way to bond (and you get food in the end), and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Check out this great website that helps you cook amazing meals on a college budget!


3. Visit the Botanical Gardens

It’s free, close to campus, and absolutely beautiful on a day after classes. What else do you need for a perfect date?


4. Game Night

Board games, puzzles, or a game you make up together, this can be a great way to have a quiet Valentine’s Day in and still have a great time!


5. Dinner Downtown

There are plenty of places downtown that aren’t too expensive, like Moe’s, or classier places, like Brioso. Combined with a stop at All In or Spill the Beans after dinner and a walk back to campus, and you’ve got a great date without breaking the budget!



6. Make a Treasure Hunt!

Leave a little trail of love notes or clues for your significant other to find with a cute gift or date at the end! Bonus points if you leave the notes at places that are special for the  both of you!



7. Write a Set of “Open When…” Letters

My personal favorite on this list, these are especially great if you don’t get to see your significant other often. Here’s a link with some cute ideas if you don’t know where to start!


8. Have a Spa Day

There are so many DIY tricks for this that you probably already have everything at home, not to mention it’s a nice way to spend some quiet time together!


9. Go Hiking!

Spend some time in the great outdoors and with each other! Here’s a link to find some of the numerous trails just a quick drive from campus. You could even plan a cute picnic when you finish!



10. Beach Day

Whether you’re at Y Beach or Secret Beach, you’ll be able to spend some down time with that special someone. You could even cuddle up with a bonfire if it’s chilly enough!



I'm an Honors Biological Sciences major here at Clemson University. I love science, theater, poetry, and music and am incredibly passionate about world events, especially what's going on in the Middle East. I love meeting new people, trying new things (especially food), and sharing new experiences with the people I love!
Hannah Fanset

Clemson '21

Hi, Everyone! I'm Hannah Fanset. I'm a sophomore from Rochester, NY, and I'm majoring in psychology and management. My favorite things are books, movies, traveling, eating good food and laughing way too loud.