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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.

This article is inspired by a blog post by one of my favorite bloggers of all time.  The internet is so prominent in the modern age, but many people don’t realize that it extends so far beyond Instagram photo shoots.  The people we choose to follow online are the people we choose to influence us.  I want to follow people who influence me to truly be a better person, inside and out.  With that said, here are 5 female bloggers who motivate me.


Michelle Reed


I’ve been following Michelle for many years now, and she is one of the most mature young adults out there.  Through her YouTube videos (and now blog posts), she provides great tips for young women, from fashion to finance to working out.  Most of all, I appreciate how she embraces her imperfections, especially doing what she does.  Michelle is currently a sophomore attending college in New York City.  (She’s also the blogger that inspired this post!)


Natalie Barbu

Natalie is a college senior who makes a lot of lifestyle videos, particularly geared towards college-aged women.  She has such a positive personality and gives excellent tips on how to find balance in the midst of a hectic college life.  Natalie has specifically inspired me to pursue a healthier lifestyle, which is extremely necessary for success in a fast-paced environment.


Emily Wilson


Emily is a Catholic speaker to young women, but she has an audience that consists of women across all faiths and lack thereof.  The advice she gives to all women is the advice that every woman should give to her younger sister.  She might not be a hustler in the sense of having a full-time job to make a regular paycheck, but she is a hustler in the sense that she provides insights that many modern women lack in their perspectives.


Jessica Neistadt

I recently started watching Jessica’s videos, and I absolutely adore her!  Jessica also makes fashion and lifestyle videos, and she gives excellent tips when it comes to living on a budget, like building a capsule wardrobe and other fashion life hacks among many other things.  She is also married and is absolutely adorable with her husband!



Hang is a college graduate with a degree in computer science who quit her full-time job to pursue a career in full-time blogging.  Besides her fashion diaries, she also shares some of the more interior details of her life, such as her journey to becoming a full-time blogger, and a ton of advice to students and young adults in general.  Hang has such a beautiful combination of strength and vulnerability in her content, and it’s definitely something worthwhile for young women to read.

I'm a lover of writing, art and music. I'm always down for a chat, and love listening to people tell their stories.