Paris is a city that I have wanted to live in ever since I was a young girl. I don’t know what drew me to Paris, but it’s stuck with me as part of my future goals for a long time.
So when I came to know of the recent unfolding of events, I was thoroughly shaken up. Why should something that happens in Paris affect me, a person in the U.S, who has no connection to Paris whatsoever?
If we take a moment to just imagine ourselves in the situation of the people in Paris, it’s too strong of an event for us to partake in, even as a hypothetical situation. It breaks my heart to see human life being taken away by human life. We already live in a world of plenty of natural disasters and other uncontrollable issues that lead to the loss of our loved ones. Sometimes it’s even harder to know and accept that people are capable hurting people.
As cheesy as it sounds, when we put hate or anger into the world- whether it be through the means of physical or mental pain- the result is also negative. Instead if we work to help others, to support others, or just even extend one little smile towards someone, we’re putting positive energies into this world.
So even in the microscopic worlds of our lives, if we try to show one act of kindness to someone, regardless of what we may stereotype them as, then who knows, we might be making a world of a difference to that person.
Humanity is so much better than hurt, and if we as individuals strive to show the lighter side of humanity, then perhaps we’ll be contributing towards making the word ‘humanity’ actually mean something.