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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.


Name: Sean Archie
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Relationship Status: Single
Childhood Dream: To drive a Formula-1 car…and have a sandwich named after me…at the same time.
What do you look for in a girl?: Intelligence, independence and a sense of humor. She has to be cool with who she is and appreciate me for who I am.
Involvement on campus: Live-In First Year Mentor, CMU Emergency Medical Service, Orientation Counselor
Hobbies: Football, Music, Bad Sci-fi Movies (like really bad), Singing in the shower, Obscure Pop-Culture references
Ideal Date: A day at the beach just chillin’ and relaxing, with good company and great conversation.
Fun Fact: I worked full-time as a photojournalist for a year after high school.
Favorite CMU memory: It was freshman year, the night of the first snow and I was walking back to my dorm room at 3am after studying. For some reason, at that moment I knew that CMU was the place for me.