We all need those girl friends who are just an all-in-one package, making your life so much better by being your best friend. Beyond all, they act as your “bae,” someone you can call that in public without feeling embarrassed. As cheesy as it may sound, here are 4, true reasons why we all need those kinds of best friends.
1. Self-Confidence Booster: She is the person that will literally pour compliments on you every time they talk to you. She doesn’t say this from fakeness- no, she says it out of the pure love in her heart. It’s never in a way that makes you overconfident. They say it when they know it means the most and you need that little extra help to tackle the next thing in life.
2. Straightforwardly Kind: She will never make you blindly do something that is not the best decision for you. If you ask her for advice, she will tell you what she truly thinks without being biased towards whatever you say. Yet, when she says it, it doesn’t sound harsh. She makes sure to say it in the kindest way possible that you truly consider her perspective in making your decisions in life, which at the end of the day only help you.
3. Word Dump: Sometimes you just want to talk about the most random things. You don’t really have any purpose to your conversation but she is the one you know you can turn to and talk about practically anything. From celebrity gossip to wedding dresses, this girl will make you feel like all the things you say are as important as the words a President makes during a speech.
4. Shoulder to Cry: You could be sad about anything, but by the time you are finished talking to her, you have gotten all the tears out and it seems like sunshine is out. She makes the difficulties so much better as she silently listens and tells you exactly what you need to hear at your most emotional moments. Because at those times, it’s not advice you want, just a shoulder to cry on who will tell you every thing will be okay.