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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

We asked the girls of our Her Campus team here at CNU what their New Year Resolutions are, big or small, for the upcoming year. Here’s what they had to say:

“Enjoy the morning Sights”

Here’s what Sierra had to say: “I have a few goals for 2023, but my official New Year’s resolution is to look out my window every morning for a few minutes before I pick up my phone. My mind always feels so fresh when I wake up and I’m actively trying to preserve that clarity instead of mindlessly scrolling. Also, it causes me to notice the subtleties of life: what time the street lights turn on and off, where the birds fly to and from, and where shadows are cast on the pavement.”

“Live My girl boss fantasy”

Brooke is ready to make some moves; “I want to hone in on cultivating my career goals. I haven’t really made any solidified plans or critical steps towards a certain job title. I hope to research my field more, attend more networking events, and do an internship to achieve my girlboss fantasy of getting the job of my dreams.”

“Learn new things every day”

This what Alauni is planning: “My New Year’s resolution was to focus on myself and maintaining my academics. I ended 2022 strong and I would like to keep that accomplishment and always learn new things every day.”

“Live in the moment”

Shaunny is looking to take care of herself this year! “One of my goals is to learn how to live in the moment. I want to be able to not stress over things I can’t change. I believe doing so will benefit my mental health. Along with learning how to live in the moment, I also want to continue improving my GPA.”

“Appreciate myself more”

Self-love is on the horizon for Tiffany; “I’ve been trying to learn to appreciate myself and the little things more! With having to balance college and work, I haven’t had the time to delve into my old hobbies, so recently I got back into watercolor panting and reading again (currently reading The Poppy War).”

“practice all-round self-care”

Nora is ready to make some changes! “I have 3 goals I’m tracking on my phone right now; I’ve been using the Done app and made it into a widget on my home screen (physically seeing my progress each time I open my phone helps so much). Those goals are: drink at least 40 ounces of water a day, spend 20 minutes a day working on my crochet project, and complete my skincare/self-care routine morning and night. I’m also trying to wake up earlier in the mornings and stay on top of schoolwork, but I’m just hoping for the best with those because I’m a procrastinator and not typically a morning person. Lastly, I’m trying to be more conscious of how I spend my money- no more silly trips to TJ Maxx to buy stuff I don’t need!”

“Learn to be brave”

Chaeli kept it short and got right to the point: she wants “To be brave and to do things that scare me.”

Allison is a Junior at Christopher Newport University, studying Psychology and Leadership Studies. She enjoys reading, writing poetry, and listening to Alt Rock music. Find her on insta @allibryan
Sierra is a 2023 alumna and former president of the Her Campus at Christopher Newport University chapter. She primarily covers topics surrounding mental health and personal growth, sometimes dabbling in the analysis of cultural trends and fashion, as well. Sierra received a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Childhood Studies, and is currently working towards completing her Master’s in Speech-Language Pathology. In addition to writing for Her Campus, her work has also been featured in The Cupola, CNU’s undergraduate research journal. In her free time, Sierra loves thrift shopping, going on Target runs, and caring for her many plants.
22 yr old Virgo writer at Christopher Newport University. Big feminist. Coffee ice cream enthusiast. Communication Major.
CNU Freshman Class of 2026 Major: Cellular, Molecular, & Physiological Biology Minor: Leadership PLP & MAPS Loves writing, traveling, and being a goofball 🫶🏾
Shaundrea is a senior at Christopher Newport University. She is majoring in Psychology and double minoring in Childhood Studies and Leadership Studies. She aspires to become a clinical child psychologist.
Tiffany's a senior studying psychology with a double minor. On campus, she's a part of Student Honor Council and the Student Sustainability Commission. In her free time, she's usually trying new food places with friends, cooking, or hitting the gym! You can check her out on Instagram @tiffy_ni
Nora (she/her) is a junior attending Christopher Newport University. She's majoring in psychology and plans to become an elementary teacher after college. Nora enjoys social media, but when she's not researching trends to incorporate into her HC chapter's Instagram (definitely not just scrolling endlessly) she loves reading, cooking, and attempting to crochet.
Marvel. Hot Sauce. Club Sports. Chaeli is a first-gen college kid looking to find her voice on campus. She is a double major in Criminology and Anthropology in the Class of '25 at Christopher Newport University. She is hoping to explore more of the criminal justice field in law school or become an then eventually become an anthropologist full time.